Hey Everyone!
This is NOT the page where you register for the golf tournament. This is where ex-OIL KINGS players and staff register their contact information with the Alumni. This enables everyone to keep in touch with each other in the future, either by mail, email, or telephone. We welcome hearing from ex players, coaches, managers, stick boys, trainers, scouts, secretaries, etc.
We also hope to be somewhat of an information centre, where players could contact us with questions like “Do you know how I can get ahold of my ex team-mate XXX XXXX from the XX-XX season?”
To register for the golf tournament, you must go to the “GOLF REGISTRATION” page, fill out the info and hit the “SUBMIT” button.
With the page you are presently on, we are hoping to reconnect all the Oil Kings Alumni through members. Let us know where you are, your address, email & phone number.
Our hope is to help connect the Alumni with one another, while also connecting the current Oil Kings team & players to the Alumni.
Please submit your information to the Alumni Registry ONLY IF YOU ARE AN ex-OIL KINGS PLAYER OR STAFF MEMBER.
As of March 1, 2020, the Edmonton Oil Kings Alumni is expanding their ranks, to include all WHL graduate players from the Edmonton area, who have played a minimum of 1 year (68 games) in the WHL.